A Little Princess
DreamWeaver Musical Theatre is excited to present that adapation of Francis Hodgson Burnett's Story "Sara Crew" This engaging musical adaptation of the classic novel tells of the troubles of a wealthy young girl, Sara Crewe, who is sent to an oppressive London boarding school during her father’s campaign in India. Thanks to Capt. Crewe’s money, Sara is treated as a little princess until, one day, the young girl's situation takes a serious turn for the worse when she unexpectedly receives word of her father's death, and, suddenly impoverished, is forced into life as a servant. When a mysterious gentleman from India moves next door, curious things begin to happen. It is only through the friendship of two other girls, her own resolute nature, and some astonishing luck that Sara eventually finds her way back to happiness. A touching and beautiful score adds a magical touch to this enchanting show: "The Best Gift of All," "A Proper English Girl," "A Sunny Day in London," and of course the title song, “A Little Princess.”
DreamWeaver Musical Theatre prides itself in professional quality musical theatre that has entertained audiences around the Treasure Valley and beyond!