Daisy Pulls It Off
In this comedy with music, super-achiever Daisy Meredith receives the first ever academic scholarship to attend the prestigious, albeit snobby, Greenwood School for Young Ladies. Upon her arrival, she is set as an outcast among her peers, but with the help of her new and only friend, Trixie Martin, Daisy will discover the "Treasure of Greenwood," score the winning hockey goal, save the lives of those that once hated her and discover the identity of her long-lost father. Set in 1920's England, Daisy Pulls it Off is an enchanting tale of determination, spirit, and acceptance that the whole family will adore. Directed by Stan Brown, associate professor at UNL’s Jonny Carson School of Theatre and Film, this production will feature a talented cast of Lincoln’s finest young-adult actors and giant puppets designed and crafted by students at UNL’s Department of Art led by Sandra Williams. It will be a jolly good time for all!