Roseburg Duck Race
The Rotary Duck Race is an annual fundraiser designed to support child abuse awareness and prevention programs in Douglas County, Oregon. Started in 1996, the Rotary Duck Race has raised over 1.7 million dollars for the cause. Each year beneficiaries are selected and ducks are sold by Rotarian's and community volunteers. In August the ducks are launched into the Umpqua River and the first across the line wins amazing prizes donated by community leaders. 100% of the proceed benefit the selected agencies as all printing, prizes, advertising, and labor is donated by Rotarian's and the local community. 100% of proceeds of ticket sales go to Douglas C.A.R.E.S, Family Development Center, Batter Person Advocacy, CASA, Safe Haven Maternity and Healthy Start.
Purchasing online not your fancy, visit one of the following local participating businesses:
- The Douglas County YMCA
- 1st Community Credit Union
- Bi-Mart: Roseburg, Sutherlin and Winston
- Cascade Community Credit Union
- Clint Newell Auto Group
- Northwest Community Credit Union
- Ray’s Food Place in Myrtle Creek
- Sherm’s Thunderbird Market
- The Dog House at Kruse Farms
- The News Review
- Tim’s Appliance & Mattress
We hope to see you there!