Imagine Holiday Celebration
The Holidays can be a difficult time for children and families who have lost loved ones, but even more so, for those who have lost relatives to violence. Violence destroys the safety, sanity and stablity of communites, taking with it, their hopes and dreams, leaving behind hopelessness and despair. Rizpah Network Incorporated, an intiative of Phoenix Empowerment Institute, a DC based non profit organization, that provides services and supports to mothers of murdered sons and victims of senseless violence, host this Holiday Celebration each year, to help children and families begin to heal, by "sharing the magic of the season, with those who have suffered such traumatic losses. The event includes santa sitings, story telling, canvassing, chorales, games, gifts, food, fun, and so much more. The event is free, open to children of families, who have been impacted by violence. Registration is Required.