Poker Tournament Fundraiser
What: Texas Hold'em Poker Fundraiser
Where: TBD, Rogers, AR
When: Sat June March 12 (2pm - 9 pm)
Why: Support NWA Wildcats 11’s AA Baseball Team
Who: Experienced & Novice players. Everyone is welcome to have fun at this event. Please tell your friends by passing your invitation on!
Buy-In: $60.00 / 6,000 chips - $40 to Wildcats Baseball
Re-Buy: Only 1 per player, allowed at 3500 in chips or less, only allowed up to the end of the first break. $30 / 3,000 chips - $15 to Ozark Juniors. Players get 1 raffle ticket
Structure: Rounds: 20 minutes Blinds: 25/50, 50/100, 75/150 (15min break) 100/200, 200/400, 300/600, 400/800 (15min break / Silent auction will end after this break) 500/1000, 1000/2000, 2000/4000, 3000/6000 (10min break) 4000/8000, 5000/10000, 10000/20000, 15000/30000 (10min break) 20000/40000, 30000/60000, 40000/80000
Final Table = last 8 players
Prizes: Payouts for 1st through 10th. In addition, the winner of the tournament will receive a collectors edition AG Russell Knife valued at $350.00 to commemorate their victory!!
Tournament will have a combination of silent auction items and raffle items. Currently have over 30 items ranging in value from $15 to $350, retail value of the items is in excess of $2500, a sampling is below:
· Golf Passes for 4 rounds to Shadow Valley, Valley View and Lost Springs
· Coors Light Nascar beer refrigerator
· Coors Light Nascar Leather Jacket
· Nikon Cool Pix digital camera
· Damien Williams Autographed Football
· AG Russell Knife
· 10+ Gift certificates to multiple area restaurants, including a $90 Carraba's certificate and a $50 Ruths Chris (Copeland's, Quizno's, Tamally's, Johnny Brusco's, Market Place, etc.)
· Wheel Alignment at Garrett Tire
· Official Razorback Wind Suite
· Boomerang Car Wash
Reservations: Seating is limited so book your spot today on-line! Those that book on-line will receive one ticket for our Grand Prize drawing to be held June 18rd. Grand Prizes include a 50" Flat Screen TV, a 49cc Motor Scooter, or an iPad! Additional raffle tickets will be available at the event.
If you can not make this event and would still like to make a donation to be eligible for the Grand Prize raffle, please select a $5, $10 or $25 donation from the "Type" dropdown menu above.
Wildcats 11’s AA Baseball thanks you for your support and looks forward to hosting a great event for all!