Planting Seeds for the next Generation
The Islamic Research & Humanitarian Service Center of America (IRHSCA) has for the last 14 years worked diligently to establish a vital Islamic Community . Our efforts are not limited to those who freqent the Center, but programs : most that are free of cost are available to all in the Muslim Community. Family, Youth and Marriage Counseling are offered. We operate a Weekend Islamic Academy as well as Adult Islamic Studies Classes. Since most who attend are in need of services we are always operating with a deficit. IRHSCA is recognized in the Capitol Heights Community as well as The Muslim Community atlarge as a resprectful well balanced Community, always engaged with the social issues effecting our neighborhood. We always colaborate with other Musliim and Civil organziations that share our ideals.
Please attend and support this event to help us financially meet our operating budget of $$6500.00 per month which includes our monthly mortgage. We are in a non interest mortgage with 10 years to pay off completely. To help secure such a stategic landmark in this area would no doubt only serve to further establish an Islamic presence in America.