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Laramie Laughs for a Cause

Appetizers/Cocktails, Live Auction and Comedians
insert_invitation Fri, Feb 21, 2020 6:00 PM (MST)
location_on Gryphon Theatre, Laramie, Wyoming
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Gryphon Theatre
{{ directions }}
Gryphon Theatre
710 E. Garfield Street
Laramie, Wyoming 82070
Fundraising event for Soroptimist International of Laramie.  We have a evening filled with appetizers/cocktails, a live auction and comedians. The comedian lineup is Vinnie Montez and Nancy Norton. Soroptimist International of Laramie supported the following programs last year with the proceeds from our last year's event going to the following: Big Brothers, Big Sisters; Distinguished Young Women; Family Promise; Kiwanis Coats for Kids; Laramie Reproductive Health; Laramie Soup Kitchen; Downtown Clinic; Foster Grandparents; Laramie Climb Wyoming; Laramie Girls Softball and She's a Runner Girl.
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Map of Gryphon Theatre
{{ directions }}
Gryphon Theatre
710 E. Garfield Street
Laramie, Wyoming 82070