Seller Pays Service Fee
Seller Pays Processing Fee
For all-in pricing, the buyer sees the price they will pay at check-out.
To cover fees you may increase the list Price per Ticket above.
Or we can calculate the price for 1 ticket based on the Total Revenue
amount you enter below.
PayPal applies their own fee, outside of Eventgroove. It will usually be
from 1.9 to 2.9 percent of the total transaction amount plus $0.30. If you want
to recover this cost, you will need to mark up your ticket price.
Ticket Price
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.ticketSubtotal) }}
Service Fee
+ $.50 per ticket)
Capped at $9.90 per ticket
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.serviceFee) }}
Fee capped by Ticket Price: {{ asCurrency(feeModel.perTicketFeeCap) }}
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.perTicketFeeCap * feeModel.numTickets) }}
Processing Fee
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.processingFee) }}
Total Paid by Buyer
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.totalToBuyer) }}
Total Revenue to Host
{{ asCurrency(feeModel.totalToHost) }}