2014 CRAA Advertisement Sales
Advertise your business or send a shout out to your team or swimmer! Full page to 3 line spaces are available in the Meet Program which is sold at the summer of 2014 CRAA hosted swim meets, including the Iowa Swimming Long Course Championships. These swim meets will be held in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.
The CRAA Pentathlon will be held at the George Washington High School in Cedar Rapids. on Saturday May 10th. (300 athletes) The CRAA Long Course Kick Off will be held at the University of Iowa Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (CRWC) from May 30th through June 1st (450 athletes). The 2014 Long Course Championships will also be held at the CRWC in Iowa City from Thursday July 24th through to Sunday July 27th. Over 700 athletes and 2500 spectators attend this meet over the 10 sessions of swimming.
Shout Outs are $5 or $10 each!
Artwork and page content must be sent to Julie Pitts at CRAAProgramAds@gmail.com. Please include the CRAA family contact name if applicable. All artwork and content must be received by 9 pm central time on the Friday one week prior to the first meet in order to be included in the program.