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Michael Lukaszewicz's Stag Party

Hang out with Mike at his last party as a bachelor
insert_invitation Fri, Oct 17, 2014 6:30 PM (EDT)
location_on Generale Ameglio Italian Club, New Britain, Connecticut
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Generale Ameglio Italian Club
{{ directions }}
Generale Ameglio Italian Club
13 Beaver Street
New Britain, Connecticut 06051
Open Bar and lots of great food included! We'll be raffling off a lot of great prizes (list to come soon) as well as holding a 50/50 raffle. Your stag ticket will also get you a chance to win a door prize. There will be games, such as Texas hold'em poker, beer pong and a few others. More details to come closer to the event.
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{{ item.performanceName }}: {{ item.name }}
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Map of Generale Ameglio Italian Club
{{ directions }}
Generale Ameglio Italian Club
13 Beaver Street
New Britain, Connecticut 06051