Aquinas Institute 8th Annual Great Debate
Should the United States legalize doctor assisted suicide? Join the Aquinas Institute for Catholic Thought at the University of Colorado Boulder as we host our 8th annual Great Debate! Mr. Wesley J. Smith from Seattle's Discovery Institute (arguing against) will debate Dr. Michael Tooley, Philosophy professor at the University of Colorado (arguing for) on this timely, controversial and very important question.
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Tickets are FREE FOR STUDENTS and can be picked up at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center (1520 Euclid Ave, Boulder) or after Masses on the weekends of January 24-25 and Jan 31-Feb 1.
Please join us for a reception immediately following the debate at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Student Center (1520 Euclid Ave).
For more information, visit www.thomascenter.org/great-debate