145th MMB Dining Out
The 145th MMB Commander, LTC Winnifred Shelby requests the pleasure of your company at our annual Dining Out ceremony.
Who: All Soldiers and their guest attached to the 145th Multifunctional Medical Battalion
What: 14th MMB Dining Out ceremony
Where: Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base, 4745 Yorktown Ave #19, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (Downstairs at the Lodging facility)
When: 14 March 2015 at 1700 Hours
Why: To celebrate our Outstanding 145th MMB Soldiers, spouses and their Guest. This is the time to recognize invidual and unit achievements.
Ticket Prices:
E1 to E4 $45 E9 & up/O3 to 04 $60
E5 to E6 $50 O5 to O6 $65
E7 to E8/O1 to O2 $55
Event includes: GROG Ceremony, dinner , dancing and great company
POC: CPT Jocelyn Williams jocelyn.a.williams8.mil@mail.mil 714-934-5146
SSG Fredrick Hammond fredrick.m.hammond.mil@mail.mil 714-934-5192