I Have the Power
I Have the Power
Female business owners face significant obstacles when growing their business. According to Business Insiders, they have more challenges raising money, deal with ‘emotional’ decision making, often lack the support of other female business leaders, fear failure, and we juggle many roles.
At this workshop, you’ll be empowered to overcome the daunting obstacles you face as a woman business owner. The Fantastic4 will tackle four topics that will help move your business on to more prosperity and growth!
· Missy Day —Passion4 Success —Fish! Philosophy
· Sandy Ross —SR /HR Consulting —Employers Have Rights Too!
· Centa Terry —CentaTerry.com —Transforming through Greatness
· Lisa Frederickson —Focus Seven Consulting —Marketing in Today’s World
Join the professionals for a morning of supercharged power-ups! Registration starts at 8:00 am Wednesday, Sept. 9th at 2800 W Sahara Ave #8A, Las Vegas NV 89102. Centrally located on Sahara, near S Rancho Dr.
--Registration will start at 8:00am along with networking opportunities. The workshop will start promptly at 8:30 am. Coffee, snacks and filtered water will be available throughout the workshop. Q&A with the speakers after the event will last for another half hour for those who want to stay.