"I Choose You"
their second annual formal dinner-play…
Calling all couples and sophisticated singles alike for a Night of Elegance hosted by the Strawbridges.
Join them as they kick off the new year with a celebration of dinner and drama with their first ever Adult Prom.
Ladies, this is your opportunity to pull out those gowns, gems, and glamor. Gentleman, show ‘em how you do at a fashionable fete.
Advanced purchased tickets only.
Wyndham Garden Hotel
2000 Loucks Road, York, PA
Doors Open @ Five O’ Clock - Dinner Served @ Six O’ Clock
Tickets: $50
L i m i t e d T i c k e t s A v a i l a b l e
(includes Served Dinner and Show)
Contact Us For Tickets and Information
FaceBook: destined2beproductions
Email: destined2beproductions@gmail.
Tickets also available for sale at Diane & Anita’s Beauty Salon, 1 E. King Street, York
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Strawbridges