Conference about DMAIC & Autism, A Sample Size of One
The discussion takes the participants through how DMAIC was successfully used to make viable.
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Why One in every 68 children is now diagnosed with Autism. With no "cure", what are parents and relatives to do? This session shares a how one set of parents proactively applied the DMAIC process to help with their quality of life. The same tools and skills can be applied to any other form of personal or professional issue. This session rated first at the ASQ WCQI conference when it was presented there. It leaves people motivated and refreshed with a plan of how to manage systems with a toolkit that they can easily apply
Areas Covered in the Session:
This is an interactive overview of how DMAIC can be utilized in a home environment to improve the quality of life for a child diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum.
The discussion takes the participants through how DMAIC was successfully used to make viable differences with live metrics and results.
- Define A review of how the family used define techniques to isolate and understand the type of illness that was impacting their family. This takes participants through the journey of being creative when identifying root cause as well as the necessity of being a proactive advocate on behalf of yourself, family or loved ones.
- While working in the DMAIC format, participants will learn how key Measures were identified to monitor and manage the symptoms. Multiple metrics and dramatic graphics (both before and after) are shared. Metric formats utilize the normal distribution, check sheets, color plots, etc. Sample metrics are: Behavioral Mannerisms, Quantity of Speech, Language Comprehension, Blood Levels, Brain Wave Levels, etc.
- Several Analyze processes will be included. There is a high level review of a few common quality and lean tools that were applied during this process. Specifically, live samples of a Cause and Effect Diagram, Multi-Variable Design Of Experiments (DOE), Pugh Diagram and Value Stream Map (VSM) are reviewed. Results are shared as the effects of the implementation of diet and over-the-counter protocols are applied.
- The Improve phase of DMAIC are clearly observed via objective and measureable results. Based upon the analysis portion, lessons learned are applied and substantial physical results are observed. This concurrent session provides the participants with ideas and concepts of how to validate the effectiveness of actions that have occurred and to ensure that those results are sustained.
- A review of the concept of Control is shared as current and live actions are assessed. Live samples of how to follow-up to ensure that the executed improvements continue to achieve and/or hold the gains that were made are discussed with participants. This includes environments both inside and outside the home. Discussion will also include the criticality of an effective and transparent scorecard system.
Why One in every 68 children is now diagnosed with Autism. With no "cure", what are parents and relatives to do? This session shares a how one set of parents proactively applied the DMAIC process to help with their quality of life. The same tools and skills can be applied to any other form of personal or professional issue. This session rated first at the ASQ WCQI conference when it was presented there. It leaves people motivated and refreshed with a plan of how to manage systems with a toolkit that they can easily apply
Areas Covered in the Session:
- To help people understand how lean and quality tools can be applied to personally improve one’s quality of life.
- Increased understanding of the power of successfully using data to advocate for oneself.
- Everyone, at some time, is impacted personally by some type of medical event…This session can provide an objective, process-based approach for when that time comes.
- Culturally, this empowers and demonstrates how quality and lean tool kits can be "taken home".
- Autism affects 1 in 68 children in the US. Lean and Quality professionals will be enabled to better understand the potential national impact and increased need for social responsibility.
- Health, Quality, Engineering and Lean system practitioners
- Directors
- Auditors
- Engineers
- Analysts
- Managers, etc.
Jd Marhevko has served as Vice President of Quality and Lean for Accuride Corporation since April 2012, having joined the company as Vice President, Quality in January 2012. She has been involved in Operations and Quality/Lean/Six Sigma efforts across a variety of industries for more than 25 years. Extensively experienced in developing cost-effective and value-added quality and lean systems enterprise-wide, Marhevko has an impressive track record of success in aligning goals to drive process improvement and productivity.
Contact Detail:
NetZealous - Compliance4All,
161 Mission Falls Lane, Suite 216,
Fremont, CA 94539, USA.
Phone: +1-800-447-9407
Email: support@compliance4All.com
Event Link : http://bit.ly/1Yrr3S6
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