2022 First Religious Society Spring Gala and Auction
Please join us for an evening of joyous re-connection, great food, music and the opportunity to support our beloved church.
This is our biggest fellowship and fundraiser event, and a great opportunity to shake off the COVID cobwebs while enjoying each other’s company.
Vaccination required.
This year’s theme, “Tipping our Hats to Love”, was inspired by a painting by Tavernelle, an artist from Trinidad and Tobago. It’s entitled “I Tip My Hat to You”. (A print will be offered in the Silent Auction.)
From the artist:
The first step to truly embracing our differences is to show respect and admiration for each other. Hat tipping is a non-verbal expression of acknowledging the presence of someone you hold in high regard. It is also a salute of honor and recognition.
In keeping with the theme and to make the evening more fun, you’re invited to wear your favorite, finest, or most festive hat. As an added bonus, there will be a friendly contest with awards given for the most exceptional hats and the stories behind them.