MIndgasm Erotic Poetry: What A Man Edition
Mindgasm Erotic Poetry: What A Man Edition
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Sep 24 - 03:00 AM
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MINDGASM Erotic Poetry "What A Man Edition"
Grown folks conversation & interactions!
Purple & white chocolate covered strawberries
Wine specials...
Featured poets
Flenardo "Freaknardo" Taylor
Author, poet and sensual magician... What a man!!!!
Come vibe with this sexy author and poet... Why debate?
Get your mind Blown!!!!!
Catered Menu Provided:
Fried chicken, salad & vegetarian chili
Starts promptly at 10:00 pm
Doors open at 9:00 pm
Poets sign up upon arrival...
Flenardo will have a book signing before the show. Please come
prepared to support with your purchase.
The Spicey Wifey will also have sensual additions for your home
pleasure on display.
Flenardo will have a book signing before the show. Please come
prepared to support with your purchase.
The Spicey Wifey will also have sensual additions for your home
pleasure on display.
Tickets on Facebook page under tickets or at www.soulwiredcafe.com
PLEASE come early y'all...
We want to start at 10:00 sharp
"Let's get excited and remember our disclaimer"
Soul Wired Cafe
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