Snapshots: A Tribute
On Friday, October 5, at 7:30PM, The Gregory Kunde Chorale and Orchestra will perform "Snapshots: A Tribute" at Reformation Lutheran Church in downtown Rochester.
This program begins with the Requiem of Mozart, followed by a collage of songs remembering the Chorale’s patron, John Sciortino.
A founding partner of the Rochester-based law firm Segar and Sciortino, John Sciortino approached the Chorale several years ago to form a collaborative sponsorship. The Chorale has since enjoyed the continuing support of Segar & Sciortino, as well as the heartfelt friendship of a man dedicated to making a positive difference in his world. Sadly, John Sciortino passed away unexpectedly this spring.
The Chorale wishes to dedicate this concert as a tribute to this generous patron and sincere friend.