5 reasons basketball is the right sport for your kids
5 reasons basketball is the right sport for your kids
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While we love our range of bouncy trampolines, we also love the fun of basketball. Basketball is a sport that all kids should be playing. Not that we're discounting any of the other awesome ball sports out there; any activity provides valuable exercise and keeps us healthy!
But today, we want to talk about why basketball is so amazing, and why it’s a great sport for your child to add to their repertoire – in addition to any of the others that they might already be playing. For starters, you basketball is a sport for anyone. In terms of how accessible it is and how easy it is to play, boys and girls can team up together no matter their age, experience, strength, and skill!
Basketball is:
- A sport that's easy to add to your backyard, no matter the size. Even if your family is in just a small courtyard in a townhouse, you can still shoot hoops one-on-one .
- Great for developing confidence and teamwork, as well as leadership skills when playing in a team.
- A safe sport to play, with no tackles. While there is – of course – the risk of injury no matter what sport you're playing, basketball is strictly no-contact. Even the little ones can try their hand at it.
- Simple to pick up, but still has lots of opportunities to grow skills and improve.
- A great way to get an all-over body workout.
- Open to kids who want to represent their local area, state or even country.
- Even playable on your trampoline, with a Basketball Set accessory!
What do we mean by the 'right sport'?
When we’re saying that basketball is the best sport for your kids to play, we’re talking about how it compares to similar, team-based ball sports. Basketball first started out in 1891 and was played using peach baskets for the hoops. It didn’t even have today’s rules for dribbling the ball! Over time, basketball has evolved into the sport it is today, with a range of skills needed and honed in playing; abilities like speed, agility, strength, hand-eye coordination, and overall fitness. It's safe to say when you compare a sport like a basketball legends to something like volleyball or football that it really does stack up. We want to take a look at some of the benefits of basketball and look at why it's ideal for your kids.
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