Spring Into Action
Delta One Martial Arts, Amapa-4-Kid’s and the Kiwanis Club of the Delta -Antioch would like to invite you to our 1st Annual “Spring into Action” Fitness Fair! Come out and join us on Saturday, April 27th from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. as we give back to you, the members of our community with FREE food & drinks, as well as fitness, self-defense, antibullying and anti-abduction seminars. We will also provide FREE laminated I.D. cards for your children and entertain you with exciting martial arts demonstrations.
We will also host a 50/50 Raffle to raise funds for one of the mom's at Delta One Martial Arts, Ms. Theresa Marksman. On April 9, 2013, Theresa, a single mom living in Antioch with her (4) four children and her 22 year old daughter were the victims of domestic violence. Both ladies were shot by Theresas' daughters disgruntle ex-boyfriend. The shooting occured in their home with Theresa's (3) three other children present; her 16 year old daughter and two 8 year old twin boys. Fortunately both women survived this traumatic ordeal, but they are currently in need of funds for their medical expenses.
Please help us, help this wonderful woman in need by purchasing a raffle ticket for ONLY $5.00 per ticket. The winner of the raffle will receive half the proceeds and the remainder will go towards a worthy cause.
So please, come out and join us on Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for, "A Day of Giving and a Day of Fun at Delta One!"