A Rotary Events & Fundraising International Forum Hosted by Eventgroove

A Rotary Events & Fundraising International Forum
Hosted by Eventgroove
Friday, July 30, 2021, at 2:00 PM (EDT)
With the new Rotary year off and running, Clubs, Districts, and Rotarians nationwide are planning their events and fundraisers for the year ahead. Hybrid seems to be the direction the industry is heading. So, let's talk best practices...
Join Eventgroove and expert Rotary event planners as we discuss best practices in delivering events and fundraisers amidst the current pandemic landscape. We'll discuss the best ways to connect with your community and identify creative ways to maintain and build strong engagement over the course of your campaign.
So, join us at the Rotary Events and Fundraising International Forum on Friday, July 30th at 2:00 pm EDT for this illuminating discussion, plus get more details about the recently announced Rotary Inaugural Fundraiser Promotion (see below).
Rotary Club Inaugural Fundraiser Promotion Sponsored by Eventgroove
Use Eventgroove to Turn on Fundraising Success for the New Rotary Year
And Receive a Special Rotary Donation from Eventgroove
(There is no limit to the Total Donation Amount a Rotary Club can receive!)