Be Bold Break the Mold
North Hennepin Community College Session
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Thu, Apr 22 - 07:30 PM
Sold Out
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After you purchase tickets you'll get instructions and a link to attend the event online.
North Hennepin Community College Session
Jenn Bonine Co-Founder and CEO of RedRex will discuss her career journey, personal branding and career advise. The event it will be hosted on RedRex platform, sing up below to get your access emailed to you
Jenn Bonine Co-Founder and CEO of RedRex will discuss her career journey, personal branding and career advise. The event it will be hosted on RedRex platform, sing up below to get your access emailed to you
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After you purchase tickets you'll get instructions and a link to attend the event online.