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Cherry Cherry, the Neil Diamond Premier Tribute Band

The King Fine Arts Center, Cherry Cherry, Neil Diamond Experience, Spudman Concert
insert_invitation Fri, Jul 30, 2021 8:00 PM (MDT)
location_on Skaggs Field, Burley High School, Burley, Idaho
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
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Map of Skaggs Field, Burley High School
{{ directions }}
Skaggs Field, Burley High School
2100 Parke Avenue
Burley, Idaho 83318
Cherry Cherry, the Neil Diamond Premier Tribute Band, will be performing at Skaggs Field behind Burley High School on July 30. 

The concert will start at 8:00 PM, we should be finished by 10:00 PM.

Lawn chairs, blankets, water bottles are allowed.  HOWEVER no coolers or tents/canopies will be allowed into Skaggs Field.  

We will have food, soda and water available for purchase. Come early to eat and play laser tag!

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Map of Skaggs Field, Burley High School
{{ directions }}
Skaggs Field, Burley High School
2100 Parke Avenue
Burley, Idaho 83318