Festival de Fútbol Internacional VIP Tour
Torneo de futbol 7 vs 7 @ Dallas Cowboys Stadium VIP Tour
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This event ended
Sat, Sep 12 - 11:00 PM
Sold Out
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Nos complace formar parte de este evento único en su clase, nos sentimos muy afortunados de poder formar parte de este evento el cual sabemos que todos se la pasaran de lo mejor, usted podrá ver jugar a su niño en la cancha donde han jugado los mejores jugadores del mundo así como uno de los equipos mas populares de la NFL Los Dallas Cowboys. Será un evento para la historia. VIP Tour
We are pleased to be part of this one-of-a-kind event, we feel very fortunate to be able to be part of this event which we know everyone will have the best of, you will be able to play your child on the court where the best players have played of the world as well as one of the most popular teams in the NFL The Dallas Cowboys. It will be an event for history. VIP Tour
We are pleased to be part of this one-of-a-kind event, we feel very fortunate to be able to be part of this event which we know everyone will have the best of, you will be able to play your child on the court where the best players have played of the world as well as one of the most popular teams in the NFL The Dallas Cowboys. It will be an event for history. VIP Tour
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