Hooks for Heroes CT 10th Annual Fishing Tournament
Each year Hooks for Heroes Connecticut brings severely wounded troops to Stamford from the Walter Reed Military Medical Center in Bethesda Maryland, where they currently reside and are undergoing therapy, or medical treatment from their war injuries, for an enjoyable weekend away from the hospital.
Hooks for Heroes Connecticut also invites, the spouses and children of these troops and covers the cost of hotels, meals, transportation, entertainment and a charity fundraising event including a fishing tournament on the Long Island Sound in their honor. Most importantly a salute and thank them for their remarkable service to our nation and a break from their therapy to relax and enjoy a weekend away.
With the funds raised from the Charity Fishing Tournament, and your donations, a delegation is sent each month with the Disabled American Veterans Stamford Chapter 13, "Operation Gift Cards” to hand deliver Thank You Cards and Gift Cards to the Troops at their bedside. Care packages including toiletries, snacks, and Gift Certificates to the military base PX are also given to the families that needed to relocate or families that wanted to be with their loved ones while they are in recovery.
We Thank you for any amount of donation you may give to help our troops that have received serious injuries and wounds.
Hooks for Heroes Connecticut Committee