Jackson, WY - JD Highcountry Outfitters
2019 Hunting Film Tour - The Full Curl Tour
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This event ended
Mon, Apr 29 - 08:30 PM
Sold Out
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Join us for the Hunting Film Tour Premier in Jackson, WY, a benefit for Teton Archery Club, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wyoming Wildlife Federation and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers! The show will be on April 29th, 2019 at The Pink Garter Theatre. Come out and enjoy our two hour conservation minded, fair chase hunting film filled with awesome stories and breathtaking cinematography!
Discount tickets are available locally at JD High Country Outfitters, Pinky G's and The Rose for $15 and will be available at the door and online for $20.
Doors will open at 6:00pm, the film will begin promptly at 6:30pm. Be sure to come out early to catch up with your hunting buddies and make some new ones!
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