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Native Arts and Crafts Festival

FREE Admission! Over 70 Artists and Crafts people. Raffles, food, prizes and entertainment.
insert_invitation Sat, Jun 25, 2022 2:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Turner Park at Midtown Crossing - 3110 Farnam St Omaha, NE , NE 68131, Omaha, Nebraska
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Turner Park at Midtown Crossing - 3110 Farnam St Omaha, NE , NE 68131
{{ directions }}
Turner Park at Midtown Crossing - 3110 Farnam St Omaha, NE , NE 68131
3110 Farnam St
Omaha, Nebraska 68131
FREE Admission! Over 70 Artists and Craftspeople. Raffles, food, prizes, and entertainment. Kid and pet friendly.

This event starts at 2 pm at Turner Parker in Midtown Crossing - 30th and Farnam St. Omaha, NE.

Shop from over 70 unique artists. Try Indian tacos and enjoy Native dancers, singers, and storytellers!

Raffle prizes and a Harley Davidson Motorcycle will be given away at the event!

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Map of Turner Park at Midtown Crossing - 3110 Farnam St Omaha, NE , NE 68131
{{ directions }}
Turner Park at Midtown Crossing - 3110 Farnam St Omaha, NE , NE 68131
3110 Farnam St
Omaha, Nebraska 68131