The Divine Inheritance
Dad (Goree) always wanted to give his children the best he had to offer, even after his death. Proverbs 13:22 says “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous.”
All four of his children and his outrageous sister “Ines” come together for the first time one year later, to go over “The Will” he left behind. James, the youngest of the children, along with his wife Tracey currently live in the home his late father left behind, the place where it all goes down.
Kalvin’s music career and fame is all that really matters to him, except for the big payoff he is hoping for. Steve is home from the war overseas to make sure everything goes as planned, until he experiences a spiritual war that has him captured and a prisoner to his own flesh.
Stephanie’s a “cut to the chase” kind of woman with a high paying sports agency that keeps her occupied and from seeing her true self. That is until Jeremiah, the neighborhood bum, shows her a mirror of herself as he realizes his own destiny.
Ines directs the family onto the right path as she brings to light what’s really going on, so they can receive their blessings. MORE ABUNDANTLY.