1st Annual Volleyball & Baggo Tournament
We are having a benefit volleyball and baggo tournament for Riddick, a 2 year-old boy, who has a chromosome 5q deletion in which there are only 50 similar known cases around the world. Therefore, to this day Riddick's future still remains unknown.
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Aug 23 - 11:59 PM
Sold Out
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There will be a tournament for recreational co-ed 6's and a tournament for Intermediate King and Queen of the court. There will also be 3 sets of baggo. Kids of all ages are welcome. We will have crafts and games going on all day long while the parents are playing. There will be raffle tickets, crafts, snacks, and candy for purchase that will also be going to help support Riddick with his medical needs. Food and drinks available through KC's Cabin for purchase.
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