The Spring Vintage Classic
SVRA returns to the fabled 3.74 mile Sebring International race course for the second East Coast event on its expanded 2015 schedule. This track was the site of a vintage race in 1976 that ultimately lead to the founding of SVRA in 1981. Sebring is also a perennial favorite of SVRA competitors looking for an early season “race fix” coupled with some great South Florida sunshine.
The event weekend includes a full schedule of 14 Sprint races on Saturday and Sunday. Three Hawk Performance Endurance events , including a Friday 90-minute night race open to all race groups on Friday evening and the Trans Am Race Series are also part of this event. The unique chance to see vintage race cars dating from 1950’s to contemporary, ground pounding Trans Am cars in competition on the same weekend make this an event you don't want to miss..
Spectators will be allowed in the the paddock throughout the event providing for "upclose and personal " access to both the cars and drivers. The 3 day SUPER PASS will bethe same $35 cost as last year and will include cam ping. One day tickets are availableat a cost $20 in advance or $25 at the gate Children under 16 will be adm itted freewhen accom panied by an adult