3rd Annual A.D.A.M Ministries Holiday Celebration
Join us for an evening of merriment, with dinner, live musical entertainment and a silent auction. All of the celebrations proceeds will benefit A.D.A.M Ministries Homeless Outreach initiative primarily The Bridge Homeless Shelter in down town Dallas. One of the ministries highlights is its annual holiday gift giving to homeless men. Come celebrate with a purpose, and enjoy a great Community cause and event.
Individual Tickets: $60.00 Donation
Table Sponsor: $ 500.00 Donation (8 people per table) Enjoy the celebration with eight of your family, church, organization or staff members.
The Bridge Table Sponsor: $ 600.00 Donation (Sponsor 8 homeless men from The Bridge to attend the Celebration) this sponsorship can literally change the life of some homeless man; by exposing him to an environment he may have never thought he could or would be a part of. Sponsorship includes signage on the table and acknowledgement from podium.
Event Sponsor: $ 5,000.00 Donation (This sponsorship includes 2 tables of (8). Sponsor shares event title with A.D.A.M Ministries, and have head listing on all media releases. Sponsor receives signage at event, and opportunity to advertise in the ballroom lobby. The sponsor will also be recognized from the podium.