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Taste of Oktober

A Celebration of Oktober with Gourmet Flair
insert_invitation Sat, Sep 28, 2013 5:00 PM (CDT)
location_on Saint Germaine Catholic Church, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ campaign.name }}
Visit fundraiser page to {{ campaign.ctaLabel.toLowerCase() }} Visit Fundraiser Page
{{ item.name }}
Map of Saint Germaine Catholic Church
{{ directions }}
Saint Germaine Catholic Church
9711 S. Kolin
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453

Knights of Columbus Council #14553 Presents

Taste of Oktober

Admission $5 Adults, 16 and Under Free Admission

pre-sale admission tickets $4, Save a Dollar!

German and American Cuisine

prepared by a Chef

Beer, Wine and Refreshments

Tickets will be sold for food and drink

Music by DJ

Raffle Prizes, Split the Pot, FUN

Saturday September 28th 5pm - 10pm

food served 5pm-9pm

St. Germaine Catholic Church

9711 S Kolin, Oak Lawn

for more info call Ron

(708) 363-0065 or (708) 310-0049


find us on Facebook: Knights14553


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Map of Saint Germaine Catholic Church
{{ directions }}
Saint Germaine Catholic Church
9711 S. Kolin
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453