Black & White Extravaganza
Formal Black & White Ball charity event also honoring servant leaders of the masonic & OES dictricts
Questions? Contact Event Organizer
This event ended
Sat, Jun 27 - 11:55 PM
Sold Out
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The Black & White Extravaganza is a major annual fundraiser for the Fred Douglass Masonic Foundation in support of the 5th Masonic District and 1st OES District. This event is a charity ball to support our several charity programs and at the same time honors recognized servant leaders in both districts.
The event will feature music, a social hour, formal dinner, and dancing. Throughout the evening there will be several opportunities to support our charitable causes by bidding during the silent auction and raffles as well as to prove your luck by winning door prizes, give-aways, and engaging in interactive games.
Come help us support our community in fine fashion.
Attire for the general public is Black Tie formal. Members of the various masonic orders are encouraged to wear tails. Neither masonic dress nor collars are requested or required.
To reserve your hotel room for the night click here: Reserve hotel at the Holiday Inn
The event will feature music, a social hour, formal dinner, and dancing. Throughout the evening there will be several opportunities to support our charitable causes by bidding during the silent auction and raffles as well as to prove your luck by winning door prizes, give-aways, and engaging in interactive games.
Come help us support our community in fine fashion.
Attire for the general public is Black Tie formal. Members of the various masonic orders are encouraged to wear tails. Neither masonic dress nor collars are requested or required.
To reserve your hotel room for the night click here: Reserve hotel at the Holiday Inn
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