Forever Young: An Adult Tacky Prom
Forever Young is an ADULT tacky prom
benefitting H.O.P.E. for Animals!
Join us on Saturday, May 2, 7:30-11pm, at Fort Wayne Turners, for an evening of FUN at this year's Adult Tacky Prom! Step back in time as you dance the night away dressed in your prom decade attire or even your favorite decade and remember -- the tackier the better! All proceeds benefit H.O.P.E. for Animals.
Forever Young: An Adult Tacky Prom
May 2, 2020, 7:30-11pm @ Fort Wayne Turners
3636 Parnell Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805
Theme: Dancing Through the Decades
Attire: Wear your tackiest, decade themed prom outfit!
(Don't forget the AquaNet and Musk for Men!)
Age: 21+
Tickets: Single $40 | Couples $75
Free "Spiked Punch" | Hors d'oeuvres | DJ Sam playing music from all decades | Cash bar | Prom court | Corsages and Boutonnieres available for pre-order only | Prize for the tackiest attire