The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra Partner with Pacific Hope - TUESDAY, October 13
Pacific Hope Global is a non-profit organization that serves by sea and provides medical care, construction and education to disadvantaged people in isolated locations. It demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ through compassion and action. Aboard the 182ft ship, volunteers from around the world save lives through medical surgery, spiritual hope, and even simply providing fresh water to people ravaged by natural disasters. Pacific Hope has treated and saved thousands of lives throughout the Caribbean and the world. Volunteers simply need an eager heart and a willingness to serve. Without the love and support of our donors, volunteer, and crew, this organization would not have been able to exist through COVID, and THRIVE during this time of need. Currently Pacific Hope is fighting fires in the Bahamas, a second ship has been acquired and is sailing from Europe to join our organization, and a base in Barbados is growing opportunities and minds for many you come to volunteer.
Pacific Hope and The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra have teamed up to bring awareness and support to the need in these islands. The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra, and incredible 11 piece big band, lend their talents and voices through their own non-profit, Equinox Global Missions to this worthy endeavor. We hope you enjoy the concert and learn about our organization.
Lastly, we also want to bring your attention to a recently released FEATURE FILM. Inspired by true events, ONE NATION UNDER GOD shares the story of a young Hispanic student raised by a single mother. He boldly risks his scholarship at his prestigious new school to protect his free speech and first amendment right by reaffirming GOD in the United States pledge of allegiance. After challenging the lead Presidential United States candidate to do the same, Together, they stand for their beliefs, ??defending their right to express one’s values and hopes openly without retribution. The producers of this fil have generously donated a portion of the proceeds to the charity Pacific Hope, helping to save lives in the Bahamas.”