Vendor Space: CoCoa and Cookie Fest
Terms -
The display or sale of illegally manufactured or copied merchandise (“bootlegs”) is NOT allowed. Only properly licensed, commercially produced materials or original works may be on display, sold or purchased. Certificates of authenticity must be presented if asked by CoCoa and Cookie Fest or the San Antonio Police Department. Failure to provide requested information may result in forfeiture of space, immediate expulsion from the event, and incarceration.
The display or sale of pornographic and adult merchandise (as defined by CoCoa and Cookie Fest and the City of San Antonio) to ANYONE under the age of 18 is ILLEGAL. Due to the nature of our family-friendly event, these items are STRICTLY PROHIBITED and NOT ALLOWED AT CACF.
The use of devices for mechanical reproduction of sound or music is permitted, but must be controlled. Sound of any kind must not be projected outside of individual booths. Vendors are specifically prohibited from employing any carnival-type attraction, animal or human, or from operating such noise-creating devices as bells, horns or megaphones. CACF reserves the right to determine sound interference with others and Vendor shall comply with any request by CACF to discontinue any such sound or music. You must also have a license to ASCAP to play copyrighted music.
Booth placements are NOT GUARANTEED, and will be made at the discretion of EVENT organizers ONLY. Booth assignments are subject to change at any time and can be communicated on the event area by CACF. If full payment is not received by DECEMBER 13, 2019, then forfeiture of moneys paid may occur and no booth will be provided at CACF: CoCoa and Cookie Fest.